This project has been in the making for a couple years now and has never really had the chance to take off and this is a good time to explain what the purpose of this website is, and by extension, the purpose of what I am trying to achieve.

If you’ve ever gone to Google and searched for healthy chocolate or coffee products, you’ve probably been met with the same 5 to 10 big name brands. Not only that, you’ll find dozens of affiliate sites (not dissimilar to mine) promoting these exact brands. Ultimately, this marketing works and you buy the brands people promote. The issue with this system is you are almost certainly purchasing low quality products with a very high marketing budget. Billion dollar conglomerates can afford to buy off every affiliate and push products that are otherwise very low quality but promise not to be (why wouldn’t they?)

I am a marketer as a career and I am doing my best to expose how fraudulent and rigged the search industry is. I’ve helped many small brands promote their products and one of the biggest barriers is they can never reach the people they want to without paying exorbitant fees to marketing companies that often just burn their money and provide no results. You wouldn’t know it when you visit Google, but there’s thousands of brands out there ready to provide you with a high quality product and doing their best to be as sustainable as possible. Even with some savvy Google-fu skills, you’re unlikely to find many brands that meet your criteria (if you have high standards that is.)

I grew tired of seeing the same dozen companies promoting their low quality products as if they were healthy and good for you, just to consistently end up with lawsuits regarding heavy metals and contaminants in their product. There’s a lot of lying, misleading, and marketing jargon that will have you unknowingly supporting slave labor and heavily contaminated coffee and cacao. Even if you Google for brands that don’t do this, you’re still only going to find brands that take part in slave labor and unethical harvesting practices.

What I am doing different than almost every single affiliate and product curator is I’m doing all the deep research for you that can be easily fact checked. I wouldn’t expect consumers to read the deep histories of each company and searching for materials that are usually impossible to find just to know if your chocolate bar or coffee are a bit unethical. I also provide translations and transparencies about misleading marketing jargon that sounds great but to the untrained consumer is actually going against everything you want in a product (organic being a great one.) There’s so many buzzwords flying around that you are usually buying marketing instead of a good quality product and companies know this. That’s where I’m trying to help you and help the companies that do offer a good product a voice to reach you. I simply run affiliate links to these sites in hopes to make some money that I can invest back into this project. If you’re like to read more about my affiliate policy then continue here.

Thank you for visiting my website and I hope my service is of some value to you and if you support me through the affiliate links then I am eternally grateful that you’ve put your trust in me in a sea of cacophony. I’m always appreciative of anyone that can benefit from my research. That is the purpose of my mission after all.